Regional Nets

North Carolina Coastal Plain Regional NETS


  • Brightleaf Amateur Radio Club Net, Mondays at 2000 ET on 147.09 MHz, W4GDF Repeater.
  • Carteret County ARS (CCARS) Emergency Net, Tuesdays nights at 1930 ET on the Newport 145.45 (-) MHz,
  • Coastal Emergency Linking Net , Wednesdays at 2100 ET

Buxton 145.15,
Elizabeth City 146.655,
Hertford 147.33,
Williamston 145.41 & 444.25
Greenville, 145.35,
Columbia 146.835 & 443.30
Ahoskie 145.13,

  • Eastern North Carolina Traffic Net, Each  night at 2030 ET on 146.685 MHz.
  • Kinston Amateur Radio Society Net,  First, Third, and Fourth Tuesdays at 2000 ET on 145.47 MHz., W4OIX repeater in Kinston.
  • Newport SkyWarn, Tuesdays at 2100 ET

Jacksonville-147.000- 88.5 tone
444 Newport-444.825- 88.5 tone
Grantsboro-145 230 – 85.4 tone.
Swansboro-146.760- 88.5 tone
Oriental-147.210-151.4 tone
Columbia IRLP 8561 link
Grifton-146.685-88.5 tone

  • Piedmont Coastal Traffic Net, Each night at 2030 ET on 146.88 MHz.
  • Sampson County Amateur Radio Services Net, Each night at 1900 ET on 146.790 MHz. W4TLP Repeater in Clinton
  • Wayne County Amateur Radio Assn. 6 Meter Net, Mondays at 2000 ET on  52.525mhz
  • Wayne County Amateur Radio Assn. VHF/UHF Net, Thursdays at 2030 ET on 146.85mhz  and 443.00mhz Repeaters
  • Wilson Amateur Radio Club Net, Thursdays at 2000 ET on 146.76 MHz.

High Frequency Nets

    • Tar Heel Emergency Communications Net, Each night at 1930 ET on 3923 kHz
    • NC Morning Net, another Section Traffic Net at 0745 on 3.927
    • RC Fliers Net, every morning at 0600 ET on 3.933 MHz
    • NC Evening Net – a Section Traffic net on 3.923 at 1830 ET
  • National Traffic System CW Net
    • 3.571mhz 2000 hours, slow speed (5-8wpm) Carolinas Slow Net
    • 3.573mhz 1900 hours, high speed (20 wpm)
    • 3.573mhz  2200 hours, slow speed (12-14 wpm), South Carolina/North Carolina